Monday, March 31, 2008

Dagang Kidlat's Basic Curriculum

The basic curriculum taught at my martial art center is the same curriculum taught to me by my masters, GM Ben Lema and Master Ronald Ramirez, according to the instructions given to me by them. These are following basic teachings:

1. Brief History of Arnis De Mano, LSAI and its Founder.

2. Courtesy.

3. Dos Manos (1-2).

4. The 12 Fighting Methods.

5. 22 Club Assault Disarm (Combat Judo).

6. First 10 Stick to Stick Disarm.

7. Bigay Tama (Basic Sparing Drills).

8. Espada y Daga Bigay Tama Drills.

(Note: To those who wish to learn the Intermediate and the Advance curriculum of the art please contact at my e-mail:

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