Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Basic Nunchak

In this short clip, I demonstrate some of the weapons I teach at my martial art school called the nunchak. Contrary to popular belief, the nunchak is not a Chinese nor a Japanese weapon. Its origin is purely Filipino. The Nunchak (called Chako in the Philippines) was used originally by farmers to tie up and carry the rice bags. During the occupation of the Japanese in the Philippines, the farmers, who were skilled arnisadores, were forced to use their skill in arnis by using the "nunchak" as an alternative weapon.

This weapon was first introduced by the late Bruce Lee in some of his movies, like "Way of the Dragon" and "Game of Death", as a secret weapon of Jeet Kune Do. This weapon, like the Arnis sticks, were virtually unknown in the martial art world.

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