(I decided to post in my blog the book of Lucas Estrella Shultz entitled "Path of the Warrior". It is a series of gathered teachings of the author's venerable masters of the martial arts. These same teachings were applied by the samurais of old in their search of enlightenment through the path of the martial arts. It is a book that has helped me tremendously to understand the spiritual side of my art. Now I wish to share these same wisdom to those who wish to be open to it. Read to hearts content!)
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of this book. The "Path of the Warrior" belong solely to Lucas Estrella Shultz; the author.
This writing gathers the teaching of my venerable Masters throughout all the years in search of my center and its connection with rest of the universe. The Path I chose is that of the noble martial arts, legacy of spiritual ancestors. Thanks to this knowledge I have been able to glimpse the powers of the sky and earth which still sleep inside myself. Thanks to them I have known a world parallel to ours which, on occasion, slightly touches our daily life and covers us with amazement. I have learned that things that things are not always what they appear to be, and I have found the tools to cultivate sensitivity and love for all the sentient beings of the world. It has been a trail in constant evolution, of questions without definitive answers, of a restless heart and of dreams that drive me to keep to taking up the sword that attempts to cut the chains of ignorance and enlightens the Sacred Path of the Warrior.
During his life, a Warrior passes through different situations, stages and tests. Each section of the book represents one of these and reflects the way that, according to my humble understanding, a Warrior should act. As he travels on his journey, experience his pleasure and pain, his challenges, successes, and defeats - things that we all face in life. He shows us how to learn from each of these experiences.
You may choose simply to follow the Warrior on his cyclical journey through life. But may also choose to use the Warrior's Path as a means of bringing to light the answers that live inside you - either in response to a specific question or to give you guidance for the day ahead. If you wish you can write down the numbers 1 to 36 and place them inside a bag, drawing out a number to direct you to a reading, or you may prefer just to open the book on a random page. Whichever way, you will find the reading that something inside you chooses - the reading that is helpful for you at that moment.
May the words brighten the Way. May the mind open. May the sun shine. From heart to heart.
The Warrior is Born
The snow has melted,
The forest breathes again.
The sun reflects over the pond...
Once again.
The Warrior Awakens
On the horizon, the limit between heaven and earth blurs. On the horizon, it is impossible to discern. Before watching the sunset, I sit on a stable stone.
You have been living in an unreal state. You lack a basis. You are in the air. All this time you lived thinking that things were in a determinate way. You have acted accordingly and this is right. But on the path to knowledge, the Warrior must penetrate deeper and deeper inside himself and his life. On the path to knowledge, the Warrior must die only to be reborn again, with fresh insight.
It is the time to awake. Suddenly, you have realized how fragile your beliefs were. Those that used to be your pillars are now only faint thoughts. The Almighty has played the old joke of taking away the chair on which you were going to sit everyday. You have hurt yourself, you have felt pain, and thi is also good. If you had fallen down over something soft, you would not have paid any attention to it. But the truth is that you have landed on another reality. You are bewildered, your consciousness flustered. You do not understand anything of what has happened. You feel like you have wasted your time until now, and you may even feel shame for what you did before. Retrospectively, you will see yourself as somebody dedicated to futile things.
The pain blinds. Even if you did not understand it, know that what has happened to you is something marvellous. You are no longer the same as you were some moments ago and; if you are wise enough, you will never be. Other things will matter now, you will climb other mountains. You will face other demons, other brothers will walk along with you. Live your new life, look with new eyes. Nevertheless, be prepared to be reborn. Again. Only by doing so will you be able to reach the end of the way.
The Warrior Begins The Journey
The Warrior Begins The Journey
You have been too long in this place. The air is rarefied. Your life is stagnant, you do not flow. You must, therefore, leave in search of new dawns.
Your setting no longer brings you new things. Leave the superfluous, take with you only what is essential, the minimum possible. Your heart, your spirit and your body are enough.
Put your affairs in order before you go. Close the circles, leave no loose ends. May your departure be natural, just like the migrating cranes in winter. There is no need to escape. Simply leave this place, this situation, behind. Go. You will surely find new fellow travelers.
You may come back some day.
The Warrior Shows His Interior
The Warrior Shows His Interior
Even if it hurts, live with the truth. This is the path of the Warrior. This is the only path.
The blade of the sword is sharp and cold. The hilt is rounded and warm. Only this way can I fight. Why do you wear an armor? Why do you fear so much? Nothing serious can happen to you now. Open your heart to sun and life so that the world can reflect in you. If you are embittered, open yourself. light will flow smoothly.
Show the interior. Discard the superficial and free yourself. Live with the truth. If someone deserves warmth, this is what he must receive. To caress when there is need to caress. To strike when there is need to strike. May no one be in any doubt about you are, think or feel.
The Warrior Seeks for the Brother
The path will take the rest of your life and more. Why do it alone? It is good to travel accompanied. Seek then for brother of the way.
With the brother you will be able to journey the path, equal to equal. Whenever he is tired, you will have to keep rowing. When you sleep, he will have to stay alert. When one of you stumbles, the other will be there to help. When one is ill, the other will run to heal.
Little by little the bonds will strengthen and your hearts will rejoice when embracing after each battle. You will share the sacred and the profane, companions in prayers and in drunkenness. Each one with his own story, his love and his needs, submerged into life. But in the middle of the maelstrom you will remember your friend and your heart will feel comforted.
Year after year you will traverse together the Sacred Path of the Warrior. Back to back, one hundred combats will be one hundred victories. And in a distant day at the end of your lives, you will sit side by side, gazing at the sunset in the silent desert.
The Warrior Gathers the Armies
Gather, accumulate, focus and jump into the abyss. Only by doing so will you be able to stay whole.
A big task awaits. You will not be able to perform it unless you concentrate your energies and adjust yourself seriously to battle. Unify your heart, your spirit and your body. Align them. Center yourself. Breathe in. Focus all your being to the duty that comes near. Do not go around wasting your strengths. Do not give them up to the dark side - not now, at least. If you do, the demon will crush you like a frog. Your life depends on what you are going to do. Stop smiling because it is not a game. You may die in the attempt.
The Warrior Cuts the Chains
You have been a slave of your weakness for a long time. Swing your axe and cut the chains. Only then will you be free.
You are faced with a big task. You know you have to do it, but you have been postponing it, either because it will be painful or because you feel you are incapable of doing it. But you cannot ignore your inner voice. At some time you will have to take charge of your chariot, so assume your warrior status and fulfill your duty now. It is a blind act, without possible repentance once started. Do not pay attention to your comfort, nor to your laziness nor your indulgence. Cut the chains and free yourself.
The Warrior Searches for the Demon
The demon has harassed you for too long. You have given him a big advantage. If you want to be free you have to exchange roles. Gather your armies before beginning the journey.
It is no longer possible to keep living this way. You are playing his game, he has you at his mercy. Seek the demon inside yourself - dare to look inside. In the journey you may find vermin, but you will also find princesses and masters. They will help help you in combat. That does not mean that they will fight for you, but that they may dry the sweat from your brow, wipe the blood from your wounds.
Pursue the demon, harass him, face him. Descend to the bottom of hell in search for him. You will see that he hides himself and avoids your presence. When this happens do not think that you have won the battle. In this moment, do not let cowardliness take possession of you and make you give up the search. If you do not see him when you look for him, look deeper into the unexplored nooks. Hunt him out day and night. Learn to recognize his footprints, the way he smells, his marks. And when you find him, split him open with a single slash of the sword - without anger, but with the strength of the thunder. Observe him carefully. Make sure he is dead. Then ascend back to reality. You will be triumphant, so stay humble. Seat yourself, breathe. And then continue your way.
The Warrior Conceals Himself
The way carries you to a dangerous place. In order to come out unharmed, you must be able to see without being seen.
You must weigh the next step carefully. Conceal yourself, fuse with the ground and keep your eyes wide open. Flex your muscles, gather the armies, contract your body and then release it in a jump. Spring over your enemy without noticing it, he will be lost.
The Warrior Stays Alert
A real Warrior stays always guarding, always alert, stalking. You must keep your eyes wide open in order to be able to look inside yourself.
See that your heart is always clean, free and light. Watch the course that your life is taking at this moment. Are you going where you want to go? Or are you simply being dragged? How much of yourself have you given up? In which important things have you made concessions? What is the sense of how you are living now? In what way is this related to your past? What will the consequences be for the future? Are you still keeping the dignity of every Warrior? Is your heart still tender and kind? Is your spirit still so strong that you would jump into the abyss?
One blink is enough, and you will be thousands of miles away from home. Are you happy? A Warrior stays always guarding. A Warrior keeps the eyes always open.
Stand up with dignity over the earth. Show that you are ready to fight until death.
Your hand hold the sword. In profile, it's sharp end points forward. Demarcate a territory, be the lord of it. Emanate silent power. All the fury is awakened but concealed, ready to spring forth. May your adversary see that the whole universe is standing in front of him. Roar if it is necessary. Howl like the wolf in the mountains. Bristle your enemy's skin. Intimidate him with a shining glance. The combat will be avoided. Life will b e preserved. Retire humbly even when you have triumphed.
This is the way of the Warrior.
It is enough. You have waited for a long time. You have restrained yourself from acting, waiting for things to take up their natural course once more. But they have not done it. so you must act.
Your enemy has advanced more than he should have. He has trodden over every body and every dignity that he has met on the way. He has left behind many tears and frustrations, and yet he feels no regrets.
You must stop this situation, since you are the strongest one now. So face this person and obstruct the way. If you do not do it, innocent people will keep on suffering from this depot. If your hands are not enough to stop him, use your shield. If your shield is not enough, use your menacing spear. If you still cannot do it, unsheathe your sword and split him in two. Risk losing everything in this combat; if you do, you will always emerge victorious. No matter what happens, you will always emerge victorious.
The Warrior Shows His Sword
Stand up with dignity over the earth. Show that you are ready to fight until death.
Your hand hold the sword. In profile, it's sharp end points forward. Demarcate a territory, be the lord of it. Emanate silent power. All the fury is awakened but concealed, ready to spring forth. May your adversary see that the whole universe is standing in front of him. Roar if it is necessary. Howl like the wolf in the mountains. Bristle your enemy's skin. Intimidate him with a shining glance. The combat will be avoided. Life will b e preserved. Retire humbly even when you have triumphed.
This is the way of the Warrior.
The Warrior Obstruct the Way
It is enough. You have waited for a long time. You have restrained yourself from acting, waiting for things to take up their natural course once more. But they have not done it. so you must act.
Your enemy has advanced more than he should have. He has trodden over every body and every dignity that he has met on the way. He has left behind many tears and frustrations, and yet he feels no regrets.
You must stop this situation, since you are the strongest one now. So face this person and obstruct the way. If you do not do it, innocent people will keep on suffering from this depot. If your hands are not enough to stop him, use your shield. If your shield is not enough, use your menacing spear. If you still cannot do it, unsheathe your sword and split him in two. Risk losing everything in this combat; if you do, you will always emerge victorious. No matter what happens, you will always emerge victorious.
The Warrior Jumps into the Abyss
Jump into the abyss. Risk everything and throw yourself in.
Even if everything around you seems to indicate that you will die, you must take that risk. The hand of the Almighty will save you in the last moment. You will suffer from hunger and cold. You will feel the horror gripping your body as you fall. But do not doubt. If you do so, you will die. Trust that nothing is going to happen to you. And you will land softly.
The Warrior Struggles
The first sunbeams arrive on the beach. The armies have arranged themselves and everything is ready. The battle will break out at any moment. There is no choice. You must struggle.
In doing so, put all your spirit, heart and body into it. Fight centered, unified, aligned. Fight tirelessly, day and night if necessary. Stay alert to the four directions. Trust the animal that live within. The battle will have peaks and valleys; be sensitive to that and adapt yourself to it.
One time forwards, one time backwards. One time attacking, one time defending. Disperse your adversary, charge him while he is breathing in. Overwhelm him. Do not give him time to gather the armies. Constantly change your strategies. Attack high and then low. Then low and then to the center. Vary the rhythm of assaults. One time fast, one time slow. One time slow, one time still.
Be a continuous change from one animal to another, from one element to another. Water against stone. Fire against metal. Wood against earth. So, it will be impossible to classify you within a fixed pattern, and therefore you will be unbeatable. Follow your spontaneity and keep yourself light and bouyant. May your adversary not be able to touch you, yet may he feel the power of your blows. Use your hands, your feet, your elbows and your knees. Evade, then counter-attack. Anticipate his movements and neutralize them before they begin. let him pass and then fell on him. Make his weapons useless.
Shorten the distance, attack and then get out of his reach. Fight with all the energy of your youth.
But more important than all this is to fight without anger. If savagery and cruelty enter your heart, no matter what you do, you will be lost. You will convert yourself into that which you fight, and the dark side will have a new recruit within its lines.
So take firm hold of your sword and enter into battle. After vanquishing, retire in silence. There is nothing to celebrate. Death is always accompanied by tears. You have only accomplished your duty. Never forget that.
But during your agony, only one thing should remain inviolate: a thin red thread that runs along your spine from beginning to end. May something, a minimum of consciousness and dignity, be confined within this space.
And when you have touched the bottom, your light body will then rise up to the surface and you will be able to breathe in again. You will discover that the contorted monstrosities you saw on the way into the abyss no longer exist in your return to light. Do not despair. It will take time to go back. The important thing is that you will arrive. No matter what happens, keep faith within your spine. You will arrive.
The Warrior Struggles
The first sunbeams arrive on the beach. The armies have arranged themselves and everything is ready. The battle will break out at any moment. There is no choice. You must struggle.
In doing so, put all your spirit, heart and body into it. Fight centered, unified, aligned. Fight tirelessly, day and night if necessary. Stay alert to the four directions. Trust the animal that live within. The battle will have peaks and valleys; be sensitive to that and adapt yourself to it.
One time forwards, one time backwards. One time attacking, one time defending. Disperse your adversary, charge him while he is breathing in. Overwhelm him. Do not give him time to gather the armies. Constantly change your strategies. Attack high and then low. Then low and then to the center. Vary the rhythm of assaults. One time fast, one time slow. One time slow, one time still.
Be a continuous change from one animal to another, from one element to another. Water against stone. Fire against metal. Wood against earth. So, it will be impossible to classify you within a fixed pattern, and therefore you will be unbeatable. Follow your spontaneity and keep yourself light and bouyant. May your adversary not be able to touch you, yet may he feel the power of your blows. Use your hands, your feet, your elbows and your knees. Evade, then counter-attack. Anticipate his movements and neutralize them before they begin. let him pass and then fell on him. Make his weapons useless.
Shorten the distance, attack and then get out of his reach. Fight with all the energy of your youth.
But more important than all this is to fight without anger. If savagery and cruelty enter your heart, no matter what you do, you will be lost. You will convert yourself into that which you fight, and the dark side will have a new recruit within its lines.
So take firm hold of your sword and enter into battle. After vanquishing, retire in silence. There is nothing to celebrate. Death is always accompanied by tears. You have only accomplished your duty. Never forget that.
The Warrior Suffers
The Warrior Suffers
Life has put you in a blind alley. You have no way to escape. The only choice left is to suffer.
Do not try to avoid it. On the contrary, seek your pain. Feel it. Dissolve it in your saliva and then swallow it, digest it, assimilate it, make it part of you. Feel the walls of your heart detaching. Feel the muscles ripping away from your bones. Live the disintegration of yourself through your suffering. Consider yourself worthless. A pair of old sandals thrown at the roadside by a tired walker. An empty bottle thrown away by a drunken man without destiny. Consider yourself insignificant, which is what we really are. Cry, blaspheme against your God and burn his image if it is necessary. Listen to the silence of your loneliness. You are alone in the world. No one will be able to do anything for you. You are lost and helpless. Shattered. Once more, disintegrated in adversity. Go down to the depth of your torment. Die in each cell of your body.
But during your agony, only one thing should remain inviolate: a thin red thread that runs along your spine from beginning to end. May something, a minimum of consciousness and dignity, be confined within this space.
And when you have touched the bottom, your light body will then rise up to the surface and you will be able to breathe in again. You will discover that the contorted monstrosities you saw on the way into the abyss no longer exist in your return to light. Do not despair. It will take time to go back. The important thing is that you will arrive. No matter what happens, keep faith within your spine. You will arrive.
The Warrior Vanquishes
It is already said. If you fight in harmony with the universe, you cannot be vanquish. If you fight because it is the only way of recovering the lost equilibrium, you cannot but vanquish. If you fight because you have already tried all other possibilities, you cannot but vanquish.
But what does it mean, to vanquish? To win the battle through making your adversary through making your adversary feel the great power that you hold within, the power of the universe. To make your opponent understand that it is senseless to shed blood over this beautiful earth. It is to make a friend out of an enemy. To contribute to the peace in this world. To fulfill the will of the Almighty. It is to live.
The Warrior Retires
Everything indicates that you must retire. If you stay were you are, tears will be shed in vain.
Do not stay. Retreat, disappear with dignity. Do not run away. Retire in silence, without anyone noticing. Slide away softly. This is not your place. Do not stubbornly persevere on your course. If you have found nothing but adversity or, even worse, you doubt, it is because this is neither the time nor the appropriate place. Vanish without a trace and there will be no wound to heal.
(to be continued)...........
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