Sunday, March 8, 2009

LSAI Logo: Its Origin and Meaning

Every martial arts in the world has its own logo that symbolizes their art and ideals. Most of them borrowed their logo, or was inspired, from other schools. But only a few of them knew the origin of such practices; how it originated and why it was practiced.

In ancient times, the first "logo" were used by ancient warriors and different clans, they were called "coat of arms" or / and "family crests". Only the nobility and the warrior class use such devices in their shield, armor and flags. It can also be seen in different nations and creeds; like the europeans, and some asian countries, like Japan, China and the Philippines. These devices, according to historians and anthropologists, were also in the warrior's weapons as well. Each "coat of arms" and "crests" symbolizes a family's or warrior's belief and history. It is also a symbol of one's status, rank and, sommetimes, political power and influence in a certain society. Sometimes it is use as a symbol of fear to ward off enemies in times of war. But now it is mostly used, in our modern times, as a form of commercialism.

GM Benjamin Lema was no different from other martial art founders.

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