Martial Art School: Dagang Kidlat Martial Art Center
Founded: 2005
Chief Instructor/Founder: Master Jose Antonio "The Dagger" O. Ogardo
Asst. Instructor: Master Eugenio O. "The Thunder" Ogardo, Jr.
Courses Offered:
A. Arnis De Mano: Traditional Lightning Arnis/Mordern Arnis (for children)
B. Combat Judo
C. Ramirez Knife Fighting System (advance course only)
D. Other Weapons: nunchak, tonfa, bo, jo, and boken
Address: Eastwind Greenview Village Phase 2 Block 9 Lot 93 San Isidro, Montalban, Rizal, Philippines.
Cel. No. 09093011801
Short History:
Master Jose Antonio Ogardo was born on June 11, 1972, Quezon City. He is the second child of 4 siblings. His parents are Mr. Eugenio Ogardo, Sr. and Mrs. Caridad O. Ogardo. He learned his basoc art in arnis de mano through the late GrandMaster Benjamin Luna Lema, founder of the famed Lightning Scientific Arnis Intl., founded since 1937, he then continued and finished the entire course under the GrandMaster's latest protege, Master Michael Ronald Ramirez, residing at Marikina City. He first met the GrandMaster at the famous Marikina Sports Park in the year 2000. Since then, it has become a memorable journey. Together with his elder brother, Master Eugenio O. Ogardo, Jr., also a student of the 2 famous masters, they have met several well known and respected arnisadores, 2 of them are Master Jon Escudero and Master Nathan Dominguez, whom they have crossed trained and learned a great many things. For now they are teaching full time at their residence in Montalban. Dagang Kidlat Martial Arts Center is a non-profit, non-sectarian, and pure combative martial arts school.
To those who are interested pls. contact us through the following details:
E-mail: dagangkidlat@yahoo.com / dagangkidlat@aim.com / ogardotoy@yahoo.com/ my_dagger@yahoo.com/ tony@lightningarnis.com.
Cel. No. 09093011801
Blog: www.dagangkidlat.multiply.com
Facebook: Jose Antonio Ogardo
Twitter: dagangkidlat
YouTube: dagangkidlat
Thank You! Have a nice day! Semper Fidelis!