Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Target Focus Training (part 6)

(Disclaimer: I do not own the philosophies and teaching of TFT. Everything belongs to Mr. Tim Larkin. This post is to inform only. Enjoy reading!)

Free Combat Training Principles -- Secrets For Staying
Alive When 'Rules' Don't Apply

Answering Your Questions About Target-Focus(tm) Training

"The more laws and order are made prominent,
The more thieves and robbers there will be."

Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu

1. From Greg in Key Biscayne, FL: I really enjoy your
newsletters but I am trying to figure out what makes
your Target-Focus Training different from any good
martial art or combat sport?

A: Focus is probably the main difference. I have made
the decision to only teach a fighting SYSTEM
specifically designed for when your life is on the
line. Much of the physical training includes strikes,
leverages, kicks, and throws that other arts or sports

TFT has specifically been designed around 2 "high
concept" principles that are supported by the 3
methodologies of strikes (punches, kicks etc...),
leverages (throws, joint locks) and physical dynamics
(maximizing the damage of the first 2 methodologies).

Most martial arts or combat sports focus only on the
physical end of training and rarely train for life or
death application. TFT teaches only in the environment
of your life being at risk. Anything less is a game.

2. From Josh in Butte, MT: Whom did you learn from and
how has that shaped your Target-Focus Training?

A: I've had a number of great instructors over the
years from the martial art and combat sport world as
well as the down and dirty approach from some of the
great military hand-to-hand close combat instructors.

My exposure to this wealth of knowledge is unique and
I've attempted to create a system of fighting that
clearly defines all the key principles that are
constant in good fighting systems.

I don't feel I've created anything new with TFT but
I've definitely created a different way to quickly and
effectively learn how to defeat a violent physical
attack that risks your life. How I present the
information is what makes TFT so effective.

You rapidly absorb the physical and mental aspects of
fighting for your life in a way many of my clients
with extensive M/A or C/S training have told me is
very unique and effective. My only goal is to have you
focus on what is really important:


If I sound like a broken record, so be it. In my mind
there is no other purpose when fighting.

To understand what it mean to "destroy your enemy by
any means necessary" check out my TFT Striking DVD series
at: http://www.targetfocustraining.com/striking.html

It'll make you a 'juggernaut of destruction' regardless
of your size, speed, strength or skill.

Until next time,

Free Combat Training Principles -- Secrets For Staying
Alive When 'Rules' Don't Apply

"Striking With Power And Quickness Versus
Blocking With Force And Speed"


"An attack must be executed with quickness,
not speed. Attack with power, not strength. There
is a great difference between speed and quickness,
power and strength. Think this through carefully.
It is the essence of strategy"

Miyamoto Musashi


Violence as your ultimate survival tool is greatly
enhanced when you employ POWER. Unfortunately many
continue to train using FORCE -- or strength -- as a
means of defending themelves.

It's the same with QUICKNESS, which is an essential
element in creating the necessary POWER in your
attack. Yet everyone focuses on SPEED (coupled with
FORCE) to try and defend or counter an attacker.

Ok... so what's the difference in POWER vs. FORCE, in

Am I headed off into some lesson in Physics?

Not at all.

You see, attacks using POWER don't rely on physical
strength. What they DO require, however, is an
understanding of the inherent weaknesses of the human

Let me give you an example.

Imagine being backed up against a wall with a car in
front of you... racing its engine. The driver is about
to pop the brake and crush you against the wall.

Applying FORCE and SPEED to this situation you've got
2 choices: 1) You could try to jump up over the hood
(SPEED) or, 2) You could brace yourself against the
wall and push against the car (FORCE).

But now look at that same situation from an emphasis
on POWER and QUICKNESS. Here you: 1) Smoothly pop the
hood of the car (QUICKNESS) and, 2) Rip the
appropriate cables to kill the engine (POWER).

(OK, I hear all the protests from the motor heads but
cut me a little slack, folks... it's an exaggerated
example to help highlight a point.)

The point: if you rely on SPEED and FORCE then you've
ALWAYS got to be stronger and faster then everyone

But by using POWER (being able to identify weak areas)
and QUICKNESS (think, 'timing') you can defeat a much
stronger and faster threat.

That's why I've built Target-Focus Training around
POWER and QUICKNESS because just like me, you WILL
face many threats that are bigger, faster, and

The great Japanese warrior Musashi understood this
important strategic concept and lived to a ripe old
age after killing more than 60 men with his sword. Re-
read his quote at the top and really try to understand

Until next time,


Free Combat Training Principles -- Secrets For Staying
Alive When 'Rules' Don't Apply

Violence As A Game - The Illusion Of A Fair Fight


"One of the biggest reasons for failure on the
battlefield is not knowing what to do next... This is
the result of not having been trained thoroughly in
what to expect on the battlefield."

General Orlando Ward


Last week I was hanging out with a friend of mine, a
former NFL Defensive Lineman. Chuck had a reputation
in college as a brawler and never missed an
opportunity to use his fists to answer any

Chuck has definitely mellowed over the years and is
much easier to be around these days - but old habits
die hard. The conversation drifted towards my training
and he was giving me some feedback from a mutual
friend who attended a TFT seminar.

Our friend Tony loved the training and, since he
travels to some of the more dangerous parts of the
world, has unfortunately had to use his training. The
results were that he survived two unavoidable criminal
attacks using principles and methods from the TFT

Tony faced multiple attackers in one incident and a
knife in the other. Chuck was impressed that Tony
survived both incidents unscathed and then commented
on the side that had it been a "fair fight" Tony would
have lost.

I asked Chuck to clarify for me what he meant.

He went on to say that the three attackers were all
larger than Tony, as was the knife wielder, and that
in a "fair fight" Tony would have lost.

He pointed out that if Tony hadn't used all that
"unfair stuff" he got from my seminar he never would
of "won". Chuck said he was glad that Tony knew TFT
but that it really didn't prove he could fight.

Chuck went on to say that if it were just a "thumping
contest" -- "Ya know, Tim, a real fight" then the
bigger, stronger guy would always win. He was
disturbed by the fact that Tony had to kill the knife
wielder and that one of the multiple attackers had his
throat crushed by Tony.

That to Chuck proved it wasn't a "real fight" and the
fact Tony effectively used deception to disarm his
attackers before he attacked really disturbed Chuck.

"That's not fighting, it's just..."

"Violence?" I added.

"Yeah, it proves nothing about how good a fighter you
are," Chuck blurted out.

I know what Chuck was trying to say and it's sad when
I see anyone like him that has never gone beyond using
violence to dominate a social situation.

By choosing to use violence in a social situation,
guys like Chuck always run the risk of bumping into
someone who won't bother fighting a bigger, stronger

They'll just use violence in the only way it should be
used... as a survival tool.

Until next time,

Tim Larkin


Free Combat Training Principles -- Secrets For Staying
Alive When 'Rules' Don't Apply

When You Finally Decide to Act -- Hurt 'em


"Just Do It."

Nike Ad

Ed B. recently wrote to say he really enjoyed my E-book

He described an event that happened in Miami years
back when he was thrown out of a 'disco' (jeez Ed,
this must have been in the 70's. Were you guys wearing
leisure suits?). Seems the fight that got them kicked
out of the disco was over a girl (big surprise
there, huh?).

He ended up out on the street with his 3 buddies and
about 15 guys wanting to separate their heads from
their shoulders. Doing the only prudent thing, the 4
decided to run for the hills; 2 went left and Ed and
his buddy went right.

Unfortunately about ten of the other guys decided to
run after Ed and his buddy. Not knowing the
neighborhood they ended up running around a corner and
down an alley smack into a high chain link fence with
barbed wire at the top -- DEAD END.

They had a choice: wait for the 10 to come around the
corner and see what would happen -OR- take action. Ed
decided to take action. He spotted a 4' pipe in a
trash heap along with a 2x4. He grabs the pipe and
tosses the 2x4 to his buddy (good choice Ed, I'd have
opted for the pipe also).

His buddy is dumbfounded and asks incredulously, "What
are we going to do?" Ed says, "We're getting out of
here" and runs towards the corner where they had made
the bad choice of streets. The first guy chasing them
is just turning that corner to "get them".

Ed catches him cleanly on the elbow with his pipe as
the guy tries to put on the brakes. Suddenly -- to
everyone's surprise -- the tables are turned! 2 guys
are chasing 10 down the mean streets of Miami, and Ed
survives what could have been a very different

Ed asked if I'd agreed this was using "Cause State"
(there's a long interview transcription on Cause State
in the ebook noted above).

I have to agree: the decision to act and the effect
caused were the keys to their survival.

Notice the focus wasn't to DEFEND themselves, it was
to HURT the other guys -- pure and simple. I've
covered this before. Anything less and this becomes a

Great job Ed!

Until next time,

Tim Larkin

Target Focus Training (part 5)

(Disclaimer: I do not own the philosophies and teaching of TFT. Everything belongs to Mr. Tim Larkin. This post is to inform only. Enjoy reading!)

Free Combat Training Principles -- Secrets For Staying
Alive When 'Rules' Don't Apply

"Defining Effectiveness"

"Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare."

- Harriet Martineau (1802 - 1876)

Effectiveness seems to be a reoccurring theme in the
questions sent to me by my newsletter readers. Typical
questions run along the lines of:

1. Tim, what are the most effective targets for me to

2. Tim, how can I make my punches more powerful, and
is a fist or palm more effective?

Again there are over 170 viable targets on the human
body that can cause a predictable response when trauma
is delivered to the target. So what is the most
effective to strike?


Yeah, it really is just that simple.

Again, you never want to limit yourself to a specific
set of finite targets because you are attempting to
predict what will be available to you in a violent
conflict. That is one factor that will always vary.

If you understand that the principle is to cause a
spinal reflex reaction (an involuntary or autonomic
response) in the other guy then you have a principle
that works regardless of the targets presented.

So the "high concept" here is to not limit your
targeting options... and thereby increasing your

Next, let's deal with how to make your punches
(strikes) more powerful and effective. Here's a good
first step:


Yeah I know, sounds like a broken record, right?

Well I can't believe how many of you spend hours
attempting to get stronger or faster yet breeze over
the targeting aspect.

If you pay attention to the military actions taken in
the last year by the US you keep hearing the same
thing over and over...


Why? Because the military has found that it can be
more deadly, more effective, and take out enemies much
faster... the better they can target and deliver their

And here's the kicker -- they are often able to do
this with less overall power (less bombs, firepower)
because they can target the specific threat and focus
all of the weapon's power into that exposed area.

So yes, there are ways to get more effective but I
would have you explore the first 2 options above
before I help you with the physical dynamics of
increasing your strength and power.

Until next time,


Free Combat Training Principles -- Secrets For Staying
Alive When 'Rules' Don't Apply

"The Four Horsemen Of Response"

"No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its
powers of acting and reasoning as fear."

Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)

People often ask me about the "Fight or Flight"
response when it comes to responding to a violent,
imminent threat of physical attack. When I tell them
that there are actually four responses to this type of
threat I usually get a confused looked.

As a life-long student of violence I constantly
research sources from the academic and literary world
that deal with this very controversial subject. Some
of my research has led me to the fallacy of people
assuming "Fight Or Flight" is the response regardless
of the threat. So lets clarify:

"Fight Or Flight" is a viable response but only when
the threat occurs between 2 different species. If you
are walking through the woods and a Kodiak bear starts
to rush you, you would quickly either fight if you had
a weapon or run (flight) if you did not. Yes, you can
use the other 2 responses but for the most part the
meeting of 2 different species results in "Fight Or

That being said lets look at the "Four Horsemen Of
Response" when two members of the same species meet
with one side posing an imminent threat. The other can
respond as follows:

1. Fight - The challenge is assessed and the
response by the target is to fight back.
2. Flight - The challenge is assessed and the
response is to evade the threat and run.
3. Posture - The challenge is assessed and the
response is to feign or posture aggressively with
the ultimate goal being to avoid having to fight
or flight.
4. Capitulate - The challenge is assessed and the
response is to freeze, lie down, and hope that by
submitting to appease the aggressor.

Most are familiar with the first two options but lets
explore the latter two options. How many times have
you seen a person issue a threat and move towards
someone aggressively and that person's response is to
yell back and strike an aggressive, threatening

This is very common in social violent situations where
there is much posturing for dominance. Often the real
objective is to get one side to back down, with verbal
threats and aggressive postures used to convey
dominance. That is a classic example of the Posture

This is a dangerous gambit for both participants
because it delays the fight option and often wastes
valuable opportunities to end the situation with the
Fight Response.

The next response to explore is the all too common
Capitulate Response. This is where an aggressive
threat is met with complete and immediate submission
to the threatening party.

This response is very dangerous when used to avoid
getting harmed because it literally puts you at the
mercy of an aggressor. You rely on their moral code to
respect your capitulation and have that be a
sufficient way to satiate their desire to aggressively
dominate you. Very risky.

However, when used properly the Capitulate Response
can be an extremely effective manner to get your
aggressor into a vulnerable position to execute the
Fight Response. Basically, you're getting the
aggressor to expose vulnerable areas of his body to
attack by your feigned capitulation.

Other newsletter issues have dealt with how to take
advantage of these opportunities but it is instructive
to have a complete understanding of the "Four Horsemen
Of Response" to round out your fighting knowledge.

Until next time,


Free Combat Training Principles -- Secrets For Staying
Alive When 'Rules' Don't Apply

"Are You Bored With What Works?"

"The only reason a warrior is alive is to fight, and
the only reason a warrior fights is to win. Otherwise,
why be a warrior? It is easier to count beads."

-Miyamoto Musashi

I get invited to a lot of different training events
and try out lots of new weapons that are used in the
special operations arena.

Recently I shot a modified weapon that is currently
all the rage in some of the personal protection
circles. It is a large caliber assault rifle that is
making the rounds in some of the current "hotspots" of
the world.

I thanked the guys who let me use the weapon but came
away with a nagging feeling that it was really not
that effective for the mission. The special technology
needed to use the weapon system seemed to me not worth
the expense and hassle.

Sure enough, I called a friend (with extensive combat
experience) who recently retired from a counter-terror
unit and is currently working as a highly sought
'consultant' and asked him if he agreed with my

He told me that not only did he agree but that there
was a better option that the US Army had developed in
the late 60's.

He went on to explain the superior aspects of the
already developed, less expensive, readily available
technology that had better ballistics, better power,
and better accuracy.

He ended the conversation by telling me some people
just get bored with what works.

That hit home.

I get tons of questions about weapons technology
(which firearm is best, what knife should I carry, is
it better to punch or kick, etc) but the questions are
always about a tool rather than a principle.

I can't tell you what the 'best' combat folding knife
is on the market, 'best' firearm to carry, what
caliber is optimum for your needs, whether you should
use a punch or a kick in a given circumstance.

What I'm more interested in is what can you do with
those tools? Can you hit your target? Do you
understand the effect of the trauma you can inflict
with those tools? What is your focus when using your

NECESSARY then the tools will work their way into the

As for me I don't even carry a knife nor would I know
which knife is 'best'. Me, I have an aluminum pen that
the security people gladly hand me as it goes through
the weapons check at the airport.

Doesn't look very cool; in fact it's kinda yuppy-ish
looking. But it writes well -- and I have a sneaking
suspicion it'll help accelerate the trauma I want
to inflict should I need to fight.

Yeah, it's boring -- but it works.

Until next time,